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All Auction #40 February 2020 items

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jetton, Imperial Warsaw University student group for offering help to soldiers, Russia, beginning of 20th cent., 30.5 x 21.5 mm, factory of Dmitry Kuchkin
№ 53166 Ask Question
jetton, Imperial Warsaw University student group for offering help to soldiers, Russia, beginning of 20th cent., 30.5 x 21.5 mm, factory of Dmitry Kuchkin Full description
jetton, Imperial Warsaw University student group for offering help to soldiers, Russia, beginning of 20th cent., 30.5 x 21.5 mm, factory of Dmitry Kuchkin

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:25:41
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badge, For graduating Military-political academy named by Lenin, silver, USSR, 46.7 x 26.3 mm, 18.36 g
№ 53165 Ask Question
badge, For graduating Military-political academy named by Lenin, silver, USSR, 46.7 x 26.3 mm, 18.36 g Full description
badge, For graduating Military-political academy named by Lenin, silver, USSR, 46.7 x 26.3 mm, 18.36 g

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:00:00
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convolute: Марсель Прево "Разсказы", Оскар Уайлд "Разсказы и сказки", Катюлль Мендес "Избранные разсказы", типография т-ва "Труд", St. Petersburg, 128, 128, 126 pages, half leather binding, stamps, marks on title page, with author's portrait, 16.9 x 11 cm
№ 53164 Ask Question
convolute: Марсель Прево "Разсказы", Оскар Уайлд "Разсказы и сказки", Катюлль Мендес "Избранные разсказы", типография т-ва "Труд", St. Petersburg, 128, 128, 126 pages, half leather binding, stamps, marks on title page, with author's portrait, 16.9 x 11 cm Full description
convolute: Марсель Прево "Разсказы", Оскар Уайлд "Разсказы и сказки", Катюлль Мендес "Избранные разсказы", типография т-ва "Труд", St. Petersburg, 128, 128, 126 pages, half leather binding, stamps, marks on title page, with author's portrait, 16.9 x 11 cm

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:31:51
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"Новейшие успехи материальной культуры в связи с ее историей", части 1-10, 1904, издательство "Вѣстника Знанiя" (В. В. Битнера), St. Petersburg, half leather binding, 23.4 x 14.8 cm
№ 53162 Ask Question
"Новейшие успехи материальной культуры в связи с ее историей", части 1-10, 1904, издательство "Вѣстника Знанiя" (В. В. Битнера), St. Petersburg, half leather binding, 23.4 x 14.8 cm Full description
"Новейшие успехи материальной культуры в связи с ее историей", части 1-10, 1904, издательство "Вѣстника Знанiя" (В. В. Битнера), St. Petersburg, half leather binding, 23.4 x 14.8 cm

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The auction has ended! 17.02.2020 21:00:00
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Крылов И.А., "Полное собрание басен Крылова", с бiографiею и словаремъ М.Н.Никольскаго, съ портретами, видами памятника и могилы Крылова, съ 32 рисунками Н.Ольшанскаго и П.Беллингерста, второе издание, 1904?, изданiе т-ва  М.О. Вольф, Moscow, XLVI, 351 pages, notes in book, stains, three sided gilded edge, 17.9 x 12.5 cm
№ 53161 Ask Question
Крылов И.А., "Полное собрание басен Крылова", с бiографiею и словаремъ М.Н.Никольскаго, съ портретами, видами памятника и могилы Крылова, съ 32 рисунками Н.Ольшанскаго и П.Беллингерста, второе издание, 1904?, изданiе т-ва М.О. Вольф, Moscow, XLVI, 351 pages, notes in book, stains, three sided gilded edge, 17.9 x 12.5 cm Full description
Крылов И.А., "Полное собрание басен Крылова", с бiографiею и словаремъ М.Н.Никольскаго, съ портретами, видами памятника и могилы Крылова, съ 32 рисунками Н.Ольшанскаго и П.Беллингерста, второе издание, 1904?, изданiе т-ва М.О. Вольф, Moscow, XLVI, 351 pages, notes in book, stains, three sided gilded edge, 17.9 x 12.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:00:00
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order, Order of the Red Star № 37306, USSR
№ 53160 Ask Question
order, Order of the Red Star № 37306, USSR Full description
order, Order of the Red Star № 37306, USSR

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:08:37
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set of 4 invitations to the Great Guild for the guild events, Latvia, Russia, 1914-1915, 10.8 x 15 / 9.4 x 13.6 cm
№ 53159 Ask Question
set of 4 invitations to the Great Guild for the guild events, Latvia, Russia, 1914-1915, 10.8 x 15 / 9.4 x 13.6 cm Full description
set of 4 invitations to the Great Guild for the guild events, Latvia, Russia, 1914-1915, 10.8 x 15 / 9.4 x 13.6 cm

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The auction has ended! 17.02.2020 21:00:00
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set of three marks for participation in the Latvian domestic road loan lottery, 1938, Latvia
№ 53158 Ask Question
set of three marks for participation in the Latvian domestic road loan lottery, 1938, Latvia Full description
set of three marks for participation in the Latvian domestic road loan lottery, 1938, Latvia

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1 lat, donation for the construction of the Freedom Monument, 1928, Latvia
№ 53157 Ask Question
1 lat, donation for the construction of the Freedom Monument, 1928, Latvia Full description
1 lat, donation for the construction of the Freedom Monument, 1928, Latvia

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:00:00
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10 lats, banknote, 1940, Latvia, XF
№ 53156 Ask Question
10 lats, banknote, 1940, Latvia, XF Full description
10 lats, banknote, 1940, Latvia, XF

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:13:54
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1 ruble, banknote, 1947, USSR, AU
№ 53155 Ask Question
1 ruble, banknote, 1947, USSR, AU Full description
1 ruble, banknote, 1947, USSR, AU

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:02:14
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1 ruble, banknote, 1919, Latvia, VG
№ 53154 Ask Question
1 ruble, banknote, 1919, Latvia, VG Full description
1 ruble, banknote, 1919, Latvia, VG

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:26:28
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