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Paintings, posters

Auction #40 February 2020
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A view of the Amphitheatre for Public Promenade at the island Kamannoi Ostrow on the small Newa near Saint Petersburg, Russia, end of the 18th century, paper, engraving, 25.4 x 40.7 cm, optical print, also called "vue optique" or "vue d'optique", which were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirrors, all of which produced an optical illusion of depth. Engraving/etching with original hand colouring
№ 53374 Ask Question
A view of the Amphitheatre for Public Promenade at the island Kamannoi Ostrow on the small Newa near Saint Petersburg, Russia, end of the 18th century, paper, engraving, 25.4 x 40.7 cm, optical print, also called "vue optique" or "vue d'optique", which were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirrors, all of which produced an optical illusion of depth. Engraving/etching with original hand colouring Full description
A view of the Amphitheatre for Public Promenade at the island Kamannoi Ostrow on the small Newa near Saint Petersburg, Russia, end of the 18th century, paper, engraving, 25.4 x 40.7 cm, optical print, also called "vue optique" or "vue d'optique", which were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirrors, all of which produced an optical illusion of depth. Engraving/etching with original hand colouring

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:01:16
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A view of the Amphitheatre for Public Promenade at the island Kamannoi Ostrow on the small Newa near Saint Petersburg, Russia, end of the 18th century, paper, engraving, 24.4 x 39.9 cm, optical print, also called "vue optique" or "vue d'optique", which were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirrors, all of which produced an optical illusion of depth. Engraving/etching with original hand colouring
№ 53373 Ask Question
A view of the Amphitheatre for Public Promenade at the island Kamannoi Ostrow on the small Newa near Saint Petersburg, Russia, end of the 18th century, paper, engraving, 24.4 x 39.9 cm, optical print, also called "vue optique" or "vue d'optique", which were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirrors, all of which produced an optical illusion of depth. Engraving/etching with original hand colouring Full description
A view of the Amphitheatre for Public Promenade at the island Kamannoi Ostrow on the small Newa near Saint Petersburg, Russia, end of the 18th century, paper, engraving, 24.4 x 39.9 cm, optical print, also called "vue optique" or "vue d'optique", which were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirrors, all of which produced an optical illusion of depth. Engraving/etching with original hand colouring

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:01:19
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View of the Chateau de Plaisance from the Axarienne taken from the Côte du Grand Bassin in Petersburg, end of the 18th century, paper, engraving, 25.9 x 40.8 cm, optical print, also called "vue optique" or "vue d'optique", which were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirrors, all of which produced an optical illusion of depth. Engraving/etching with original hand colouring. Small tear on the edge
№ 53372 Ask Question
View of the Chateau de Plaisance from the Axarienne taken from the Côte du Grand Bassin in Petersburg, end of the 18th century, paper, engraving, 25.9 x 40.8 cm, optical print, also called "vue optique" or "vue d'optique", which were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirrors, all of which produced an optical illusion of depth. Engraving/etching with original hand colouring. Small tear on the edge Full description
View of the Chateau de Plaisance from the Axarienne taken from the Côte du Grand Bassin in Petersburg, end of the 18th century, paper, engraving, 25.9 x 40.8 cm, optical print, also called "vue optique" or "vue d'optique", which were made to be viewed through a Zograscope, or other devices of convex lens and mirrors, all of which produced an optical illusion of depth. Engraving/etching with original hand colouring. Small tear on the edge

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:00:27
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Commemoration of the stay of the Empress of Russia in the Bad Kreuth 1838., paper, graphic, 29.6 x 42.1 cm, published by Christian Weifs in Würzburg
№ 53371 Ask Question
Commemoration of the stay of the Empress of Russia in the Bad Kreuth 1838., paper, graphic, 29.6 x 42.1 cm, published by Christian Weifs in Würzburg Full description
Commemoration of the stay of the Empress of Russia in the Bad Kreuth 1838., paper, graphic, 29.6 x 42.1 cm, published by Christian Weifs in Würzburg

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:03:07
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Russ. Vorposten bey Kalougerini, the middle of the 19th cent., paper, engraving, 14 x 20.6 cm
№ 53370 Ask Question
Russ. Vorposten bey Kalougerini, the middle of the 19th cent., paper, engraving, 14 x 20.6 cm Full description
Russ. Vorposten bey Kalougerini, the middle of the 19th cent., paper, engraving, 14 x 20.6 cm

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The auction has ended! 17.02.2020 21:00:00
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Anderloni Pietro (1785-1849), Portrait of Emperor Peter the Great, ~1820, paper, steel engraving, 17.8 x 12.8 cm
№ 53369 Ask Question
Anderloni Pietro (1785-1849), Portrait of Emperor Peter the Great, ~1820, paper, steel engraving, 17.8 x 12.8 cm Full description
Anderloni Pietro (1785-1849), Portrait of Emperor Peter the Great, ~1820, paper, steel engraving, 17.8 x 12.8 cm

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:05:38
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Lebeau, Pierre Adrien (1744/48-ca. 1817), Portrait of Empress Catherine II (Catherine Alexiewna II), paper, graphic, 15.7 x 10.4 cm
№ 53368 Ask Question
Lebeau, Pierre Adrien (1744/48-ca. 1817), Portrait of Empress Catherine II (Catherine Alexiewna II), paper, graphic, 15.7 x 10.4 cm Full description
Lebeau, Pierre Adrien (1744/48-ca. 1817), Portrait of Empress Catherine II (Catherine Alexiewna II), paper, graphic, 15.7 x 10.4 cm

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:10:45
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Medals in honor of Russian statesmen and private individuals, 1880-1896, paper, steel engraving, 33 x 24.3 cm, publisher: Иверсен Ю.Б.
№ 52983 Ask Question
Medals in honor of Russian statesmen and private individuals, 1880-1896, paper, steel engraving, 33 x 24.3 cm, publisher: Иверсен Ю.Б. Full description
Medals in honor of Russian statesmen and private individuals, 1880-1896, paper, steel engraving, 33 x 24.3 cm, publisher: Иверсен Ю.Б.

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The auction has ended! 17.02.2020 21:00:00
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Medals in honor of Russian statesmen and private individuals, 1880-1896, paper, steel engraving, 33 x 24.3 cm, publisher: Иверсен Ю.Б.
№ 52982 Ask Question
Medals in honor of Russian statesmen and private individuals, 1880-1896, paper, steel engraving, 33 x 24.3 cm, publisher: Иверсен Ю.Б. Full description
Medals in honor of Russian statesmen and private individuals, 1880-1896, paper, steel engraving, 33 x 24.3 cm, publisher: Иверсен Ю.Б.

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The auction has ended! 17.02.2020 21:00:00
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Interior of the Nikolskoi Church, St.Petersburg (Inneres der Nikolskoi kirche), the middle of the 19th cent., paper, steel engraving, 14.1 x 9.6 cm, publisher: Hildburghausen, Bibliographisches Institut
№ 52980 Ask Question
Interior of the Nikolskoi Church, St.Petersburg (Inneres der Nikolskoi kirche), the middle of the 19th cent., paper, steel engraving, 14.1 x 9.6 cm, publisher: Hildburghausen, Bibliographisches Institut Full description
Interior of the Nikolskoi Church, St.Petersburg (Inneres der Nikolskoi kirche), the middle of the 19th cent., paper, steel engraving, 14.1 x 9.6 cm, publisher: Hildburghausen, Bibliographisches Institut

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The auction has ended! 17.02.2020 21:00:00
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Elgurt Iosif (1924-2007), "Winter", 1981, paper, lithograph, 31.5 x 31.5 cm
№ 52836 Ask Question
Elgurt Iosif (1924-2007), "Winter", 1981, paper, lithograph, 31.5 x 31.5 cm Full description
Elgurt Iosif (1924-2007), "Winter", 1981, paper, lithograph, 31.5 x 31.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:48:21
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"Brīvības cīņas", ofortu sakopojums (mape), edited by L. Liberts, 1937, Valstspapīru spiestuves izdevums, Riga, leather binding, 47.7 x 37 cm, 19 etchings, 1 sheet missing (Kārlis Ulmanis)
№ 52805 Ask Question
"Brīvības cīņas", ofortu sakopojums (mape), edited by L. Liberts, 1937, Valstspapīru spiestuves izdevums, Riga, leather binding, 47.7 x 37 cm, 19 etchings, 1 sheet missing (Kārlis Ulmanis) Full description
"Brīvības cīņas", ofortu sakopojums (mape), edited by L. Liberts, 1937, Valstspapīru spiestuves izdevums, Riga, leather binding, 47.7 x 37 cm, 19 etchings, 1 sheet missing (Kārlis Ulmanis)

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The auction has ended! 16.02.2020 21:23:25
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