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All Auction #28 February 2018 items

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"Советское коллекционное стекло и хрусталь. Гид-каталог. Soviet collection glass. Guide-catalogue", составитель С. Н. Белоглазов, 2018, St. Petersburg, 347 pages, 29 x 20.5 cm
№ 39925 Ask Question
"Советское коллекционное стекло и хрусталь. Гид-каталог. Soviet collection glass. Guide-catalogue", составитель С. Н. Белоглазов, 2018, St. Petersburg, 347 pages, 29 x 20.5 cm Full description
"Советское коллекционное стекло и хрусталь. Гид-каталог. Soviet collection glass. Guide-catalogue", составитель С. Н. Белоглазов, 2018, St. Petersburg, 347 pages, 29 x 20.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:00:00
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"Выставка древне-русскаго искусства, устроенная въ 1913 году въ ознаменованiе чествованiя 300-летiя царствованiя Дома Романовыхъ", Императорский Московский Археологический Институт имени Императора Николая II, 1913, Moscow, типография П.П.Рябушинскаго, 138+1 pages, half leather binding, notes in book, illustrations on separate pages, ex libris
№ 39924 Ask Question
"Выставка древне-русскаго искусства, устроенная въ 1913 году въ ознаменованiе чествованiя 300-летiя царствованiя Дома Романовыхъ", Императорский Московский Археологический Институт имени Императора Николая II, 1913, Moscow, типография П.П.Рябушинскаго, 138+1 pages, half leather binding, notes in book, illustrations on separate pages, ex libris Full description
"Выставка древне-русскаго искусства, устроенная въ 1913 году въ ознаменованiе чествованiя 300-летiя царствованiя Дома Романовыхъ", Императорский Московский Археологический Институт имени Императора Николая II, 1913, Moscow, типография П.П.Рябушинскаго, 138+1 pages, half leather binding, notes in book, illustrations on separate pages, ex libris

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:00:00
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document, Graduate certificate, issued to Officer Rifle School company rifleman, Russia, 1909, 34.3 x 44.5 cm
№ 39923 Ask Question
document, Graduate certificate, issued to Officer Rifle School company rifleman, Russia, 1909, 34.3 x 44.5 cm Full description
document, Graduate certificate, issued to Officer Rifle School company rifleman, Russia, 1909, 34.3 x 44.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:27:02
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album, for carton photographies, 19th cent., 32.4 x 25 cm, 16 lithographs by N.Karazin
№ 39922 Ask Question
album, for carton photographies, 19th cent., 32.4 x 25 cm, 16 lithographs by N.Karazin Full description
album, for carton photographies, 19th cent., 32.4 x 25 cm, 16 lithographs by N.Karazin

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:00:00
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bottle, Russia, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, 23.5 cm
№ 39921 Ask Question
bottle, Russia, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, 23.5 cm Full description
bottle, Russia, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, 23.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:08:41
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bottle, Vin d'Oporto blanc, М. Юргенсон, Рига, Russia, the beginning of the 20th cent., 28 cm
№ 39920 Ask Question
bottle, Vin d'Oporto blanc, М. Юргенсон, Рига, Russia, the beginning of the 20th cent., 28 cm Full description
bottle, Vin d'Oporto blanc, М. Юргенсон, Рига, Russia, the beginning of the 20th cent., 28 cm

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:00:00
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bottle, Joh. Hellstein, Posen, Germany, 22.1 cm, signs on the bottom "D b U., 0 35 l, 42"
№ 39919 Ask Question
bottle, Joh. Hellstein, Posen, Germany, 22.1 cm, signs on the bottom "D b U., 0 35 l, 42" Full description
bottle, Joh. Hellstein, Posen, Germany, 22.1 cm, signs on the bottom "D b U., 0 35 l, 42"

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:00:00
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bottle, Schonbusch, Akt. Brauerei, Konigsberg Pr., Germany, the 40ies of 20th cent., 27 cm
№ 39918 Ask Question
bottle, Schonbusch, Akt. Brauerei, Konigsberg Pr., Germany, the 40ies of 20th cent., 27 cm Full description
bottle, Schonbusch, Akt. Brauerei, Konigsberg Pr., Germany, the 40ies of 20th cent., 27 cm

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:00:00
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samovar, E.V. Salishyev, Tula, brass, nickel plating, Russia, the beginning of the 20th cent., h 43.9 cm, weight 4100 g, shape "faceted wineglass"
№ 39917 Ask Question
samovar, E.V. Salishyev, Tula, brass, nickel plating, Russia, the beginning of the 20th cent., h 43.9 cm, weight 4100 g, shape "faceted wineglass" Full description
samovar, E.V. Salishyev, Tula, brass, nickel plating, Russia, the beginning of the 20th cent., h 43.9 cm, weight 4100 g, shape "faceted wineglass"

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:00:00
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samovar, Yemelyan Akimovich Batashev, Tula, brass, Russia, the beginning of the 20th cent., h 45.6 cm, weight 4550 g
№ 39916 Ask Question
samovar, Yemelyan Akimovich Batashev, Tula, brass, Russia, the beginning of the 20th cent., h 45.6 cm, weight 4550 g Full description
samovar, Yemelyan Akimovich Batashev, Tula, brass, Russia, the beginning of the 20th cent., h 45.6 cm, weight 4550 g

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:16:52
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Священник Михаил Морошкин, "Иезуиты в России с царствования Екатерины II до нашего времени", части первая и вторая (полный комплект), 1888, типография товарищества "Общественная польза", St. Petersburg, half leather binding, stamps, original book covers are preserved, 21.5 x 13.7 cm, part 1: 15+501+11 pages, part 2: 528+8 pages
№ 39915 Ask Question
Священник Михаил Морошкин, "Иезуиты в России с царствования Екатерины II до нашего времени", части первая и вторая (полный комплект), 1888, типография товарищества "Общественная польза", St. Petersburg, half leather binding, stamps, original book covers are preserved, 21.5 x 13.7 cm, part 1: 15+501+11 pages, part 2: 528+8 pages Full description
Священник Михаил Морошкин, "Иезуиты в России с царствования Екатерины II до нашего времени", части первая и вторая (полный комплект), 1888, типография товарищества "Общественная польза", St. Petersburg, half leather binding, stamps, original book covers are preserved, 21.5 x 13.7 cm, part 1: 15+501+11 pages, part 2: 528+8 pages

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:00:00
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М. П. Неведомский, И. Е. Репин, "А. И. Куинджи", 1913, Т-во Р. Голике и А. Вильборг, St. Petersburg, text block falls apart, cover detached from text block, pages fall out, 29.7 x 22.7 cm, illustrations on separate sheets
№ 39914 Ask Question
М. П. Неведомский, И. Е. Репин, "А. И. Куинджи", 1913, Т-во Р. Голике и А. Вильборг, St. Petersburg, text block falls apart, cover detached from text block, pages fall out, 29.7 x 22.7 cm, illustrations on separate sheets Full description
М. П. Неведомский, И. Е. Репин, "А. И. Куинджи", 1913, Т-во Р. Голике и А. Вильборг, St. Petersburg, text block falls apart, cover detached from text block, pages fall out, 29.7 x 22.7 cm, illustrations on separate sheets

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:00:00
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