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Other printed work

Auction #28 February 2018
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photography, LA, Auto-tank regiment, armored vehicle "Imanta", Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 14x9 cm
№ 38998 Ask Question
photography, LA, Auto-tank regiment, armored vehicle "Imanta", Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 14x9 cm Full description
photography, LA, Auto-tank regiment, armored vehicle "Imanta", Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 14x9 cm

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:04:11
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photography, LA, Auto-tank regiment, armored vehicle "Staburags", Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 14x9 cm
№ 38997 Ask Question
photography, LA, Auto-tank regiment, armored vehicle "Staburags", Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 14x9 cm Full description
photography, LA, Auto-tank regiment, armored vehicle "Staburags", Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 14x9 cm

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:04:44
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poster, "Fleet Renewal League. Nation-wide Russian Society", Russia, beginning of 20th cent., 57 x 79.5 cm
№ 39963 Ask Question
poster, "Fleet Renewal League. Nation-wide Russian Society", Russia, beginning of 20th cent., 57 x 79.5 cm Full description
poster, "Fleet Renewal League. Nation-wide Russian Society", Russia, beginning of 20th cent., 57 x 79.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:06:47
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document, architectural plan, Kurland Governorate seal stamp, Russia, 1870, 45 x 36.5 cm
№ 39952 Ask Question
document, architectural plan, Kurland Governorate seal stamp, Russia, 1870, 45 x 36.5 cm Full description
document, architectural plan, Kurland Governorate seal stamp, Russia, 1870, 45 x 36.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:00:00
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document, Graduate certificate, issued to Officer Rifle School company rifleman, Russia, 1909, 34.3 x 44.5 cm
№ 39923 Ask Question
document, Graduate certificate, issued to Officer Rifle School company rifleman, Russia, 1909, 34.3 x 44.5 cm Full description
document, Graduate certificate, issued to Officer Rifle School company rifleman, Russia, 1909, 34.3 x 44.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:27:02
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album, for carton photographies, 19th cent., 32.4 x 25 cm, 16 lithographs by N.Karazin
№ 39922 Ask Question
album, for carton photographies, 19th cent., 32.4 x 25 cm, 16 lithographs by N.Karazin Full description
album, for carton photographies, 19th cent., 32.4 x 25 cm, 16 lithographs by N.Karazin

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:00:00
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a certificate, Cyclists Society "Mars", Latvia, Russia, 1915, 35.5 x 21.9 cm
№ 39667 Ask Question
a certificate, Cyclists Society "Mars", Latvia, Russia, 1915, 35.5 x 21.9 cm Full description
a certificate, Cyclists Society "Mars", Latvia, Russia, 1915, 35.5 x 21.9 cm

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:06:18
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photo album, Svirstroy, USSR, [1927], 17.2 x 31.2 cm, 11 photographs
№ 39471 Ask Question
photo album, Svirstroy, USSR, [1927], 17.2 x 31.2 cm, 11 photographs Full description
photo album, Svirstroy, USSR, [1927], 17.2 x 31.2 cm, 11 photographs

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:00:00
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document, Riga Burse Bank, Latvia, 1936, 28 x 22 cm
№ 39411 Ask Question
document, Riga Burse Bank, Latvia, 1936, 28 x 22 cm Full description
document, Riga Burse Bank, Latvia, 1936, 28 x 22 cm

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:00:00
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document, Price lists for goods in Riga, 1759-1760, 23.2 x 7.1 cm
№ 39410 Ask Question
document, Price lists for goods in Riga, 1759-1760, 23.2 x 7.1 cm Full description
document, Price lists for goods in Riga, 1759-1760, 23.2 x 7.1 cm

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:11:26
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album, Moscow. Souvenir de Moscou., Russia, 1900-1917, 18.2 x 12.1 cm, cover detached from the block, contains 24 illustrations
№ 39398 Ask Question
album, Moscow. Souvenir de Moscou., Russia, 1900-1917, 18.2 x 12.1 cm, cover detached from the block, contains 24 illustrations Full description
album, Moscow. Souvenir de Moscou., Russia, 1900-1917, 18.2 x 12.1 cm, cover detached from the block, contains 24 illustrations

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The auction has ended! 24.02.2018 21:25:04
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"Путеводитель по естественно-историческому отделению Домского музея в гор. Риге", Коллекции Рижского общества естествоиспытателей, 1923, типографiя В.Ф.Геккера, Riga, 26 pages, stamps, 22.3 x 14.6 cm, faint page defect, 4 tables and 1 plan
№ 39360 Ask Question
"Путеводитель по естественно-историческому отделению Домского музея в гор. Риге", Коллекции Рижского общества естествоиспытателей, 1923, типографiя В.Ф.Геккера, Riga, 26 pages, stamps, 22.3 x 14.6 cm, faint page defect, 4 tables and 1 plan Full description
"Путеводитель по естественно-историческому отделению Домского музея в гор. Риге", Коллекции Рижского общества естествоиспытателей, 1923, типографiя В.Ф.Геккера, Riga, 26 pages, stamps, 22.3 x 14.6 cm, faint page defect, 4 tables and 1 plan

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The auction has ended! 25.02.2018 21:00:00
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