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All Auction #17 March 2016 items

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Mitris Alnis, "the Art Belongs to the People", T.Zaļkalns's Academy of Arts of the Latvian SSR, 1979, poster, paper, offset, 88.3 x 57.6 cm
№ 24911 Ask Question
Mitris Alnis, "the Art Belongs to the People", T.Zaļkalns's Academy of Arts of the Latvian SSR, 1979, poster, paper, offset, 88.3 x 57.6 cm Full description
Mitris Alnis, "the Art Belongs to the People", T.Zaļkalns's Academy of Arts of the Latvian SSR, 1979, poster, paper, offset, 88.3 x 57.6 cm

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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"Жаръ-Птица", ежемѣсячный литературно-художественный иллюстрированный журналъ, № 12, 1921, Русское искусство, Berlin, 44+7 pages, possessory binding, damaged pages, original cover missing, with an article dedicated to an art of N. Rrerich, written by Leonid Andreev
№ 24910 Ask Question
"Жаръ-Птица", ежемѣсячный литературно-художественный иллюстрированный журналъ, № 12, 1921, Русское искусство, Berlin, 44+7 pages, possessory binding, damaged pages, original cover missing, with an article dedicated to an art of N. Rrerich, written by Leonid Andreev Full description
"Жаръ-Птица", ежемѣсячный литературно-художественный иллюстрированный журналъ, № 12, 1921, Русское искусство, Berlin, 44+7 pages, possessory binding, damaged pages, original cover missing, with an article dedicated to an art of N. Rrerich, written by Leonid Andreev

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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H. Ibsens, "Pers Gints", 1938, Grāmatu draugs, Riga, 243 pages, translated from Norwegian by J. Akuraters, illustrations by A. Rekhem, colored illustrations on separate pages
№ 24909 Ask Question
H. Ibsens, "Pers Gints", 1938, Grāmatu draugs, Riga, 243 pages, translated from Norwegian by J. Akuraters, illustrations by A. Rekhem, colored illustrations on separate pages Full description
H. Ibsens, "Pers Gints", 1938, Grāmatu draugs, Riga, 243 pages, translated from Norwegian by J. Akuraters, illustrations by A. Rekhem, colored illustrations on separate pages

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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барон Н. Врангель, "Двѣнадцатый годъ и иностранные художники XIX вѣка въ Россiи / 1812 et les artistes etrangers en Russie au XIX-e siècle", 1912, St. Petersburg, 162+V pages, damaged pages
№ 24908 Ask Question
барон Н. Врангель, "Двѣнадцатый годъ и иностранные художники XIX вѣка въ Россiи / 1812 et les artistes etrangers en Russie au XIX-e siècle", 1912, St. Petersburg, 162+V pages, damaged pages Full description
барон Н. Врангель, "Двѣнадцатый годъ и иностранные художники XIX вѣка въ Россiи / 1812 et les artistes etrangers en Russie au XIX-e siècle", 1912, St. Petersburg, 162+V pages, damaged pages

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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"Indriķa Livonijas chronika", 1936, Valtera un Rapas A/S apgāds, Riga, 231 pages, leather binding, translated by J. Krīpēns
№ 24907 Ask Question
"Indriķa Livonijas chronika", 1936, Valtera un Rapas A/S apgāds, Riga, 231 pages, leather binding, translated by J. Krīpēns Full description
"Indriķa Livonijas chronika", 1936, Valtera un Rapas A/S apgāds, Riga, 231 pages, leather binding, translated by J. Krīpēns

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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"Каталог книгоиздательства Карла Генр. Зихмана", въ гор. Ригѣ, Театральная улица № 9, собств. домъ, 1911, H.Hempel & Co, Riga, 32 pages
№ 24906 Ask Question
"Каталог книгоиздательства Карла Генр. Зихмана", въ гор. Ригѣ, Театральная улица № 9, собств. домъ, 1911, H.Hempel & Co, Riga, 32 pages Full description
"Каталог книгоиздательства Карла Генр. Зихмана", въ гор. Ригѣ, Театральная улица № 9, собств. домъ, 1911, H.Hempel & Co, Riga, 32 pages

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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map, Army Headquarters, Topographic and Geodetic Department, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 87.5 x 67.7 cm
№ 24905 Ask Question
map, Army Headquarters, Topographic and Geodetic Department, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 87.5 x 67.7 cm Full description
map, Army Headquarters, Topographic and Geodetic Department, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 87.5 x 67.7 cm

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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М. Вайнтробъ, "Душа голуснаго еврея", опытъ соцiально-психологическаго анализа, 1932, Riga, 144 pages, marks in text
№ 24904 Ask Question
М. Вайнтробъ, "Душа голуснаго еврея", опытъ соцiально-психологическаго анализа, 1932, Riga, 144 pages, marks in text Full description
М. Вайнтробъ, "Душа голуснаго еврея", опытъ соцiально-психологическаго анализа, 1932, Riga, 144 pages, marks in text

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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"Constitution De La Republique De Pologne", Loi du 17 Mars 1921, 1926, Paris, 38 pages
№ 24903 Ask Question
"Constitution De La Republique De Pologne", Loi du 17 Mars 1921, 1926, Paris, 38 pages Full description
"Constitution De La Republique De Pologne", Loi du 17 Mars 1921, 1926, Paris, 38 pages

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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Pāvils Vīlips, "Traģiskā poēma", veltīta lellēm, Sigismunda Vidberga grafika, 1929, Autora izdevums, Riga, 45 pages, uncut pages
№ 24902 Ask Question
Pāvils Vīlips, "Traģiskā poēma", veltīta lellēm, Sigismunda Vidberga grafika, 1929, Autora izdevums, Riga, 45 pages, uncut pages Full description
Pāvils Vīlips, "Traģiskā poēma", veltīta lellēm, Sigismunda Vidberga grafika, 1929, Autora izdevums, Riga, 45 pages, uncut pages

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"Ю.Потехин", выпуск 19-ый, 1926, Государственное военное издательство, Moscow, 59 pages
№ 24901 Ask Question
"Ю.Потехин", выпуск 19-ый, 1926, Государственное военное издательство, Moscow, 59 pages Full description
"Ю.Потехин", выпуск 19-ый, 1926, Государственное военное издательство, Moscow, 59 pages

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Георгий Иванов, "Лампада", собрание стихотворений, книга 1-ая, 1922, Мысль, S-Peterburg, 123 pages
№ 24900 Ask Question
Георгий Иванов, "Лампада", собрание стихотворений, книга 1-ая, 1922, Мысль, S-Peterburg, 123 pages Full description
Георгий Иванов, "Лампада", собрание стихотворений, книга 1-ая, 1922, Мысль, S-Peterburg, 123 pages

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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