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All Auction #17 March 2016 items

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М. Алдановъ, "Святая Елена Маленькiй островъ", 1923, книгоиздательство Нева, Berlin, 117 pages, stamps
№ 24923 Ask Question
М. Алдановъ, "Святая Елена Маленькiй островъ", 1923, книгоиздательство Нева, Berlin, 117 pages, stamps Full description
М. Алдановъ, "Святая Елена Маленькiй островъ", 1923, книгоиздательство Нева, Berlin, 117 pages, stamps

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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"Речи и беседы М.И.Калинина", председателя всероссийского центрального исполнительного комитета, книга первая, 1919, Государственное издательство, Moscow, 48 pages
№ 24922 Ask Question
"Речи и беседы М.И.Калинина", председателя всероссийского центрального исполнительного комитета, книга первая, 1919, Государственное издательство, Moscow, 48 pages Full description
"Речи и беседы М.И.Калинина", председателя всероссийского центрального исполнительного комитета, книга первая, 1919, Государственное издательство, Moscow, 48 pages

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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Л.Е. Оболенскiй, "Изложенiе и критика идей Нео-Марксизма", 1899, типографiя инженера Г.А. Бернштейна, St. Petersburg, 144 pages, text block falls apart
№ 24921 Ask Question
Л.Е. Оболенскiй, "Изложенiе и критика идей Нео-Марксизма", 1899, типографiя инженера Г.А. Бернштейна, St. Petersburg, 144 pages, text block falls apart Full description
Л.Е. Оболенскiй, "Изложенiе и критика идей Нео-Марксизма", 1899, типографiя инженера Г.А. Бернштейна, St. Petersburg, 144 pages, text block falls apart

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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litography, "Emperor Nicholas I on His Deathbed", drawn by W. Gau, graphic by, 1855, 31.4 x 48.3 (21.3 x 26) cm
№ 24920 Ask Question
litography, "Emperor Nicholas I on His Deathbed", drawn by W. Gau, graphic by, 1855, 31.4 x 48.3 (21.3 x 26) cm Full description
litography, "Emperor Nicholas I on His Deathbed", drawn by W. Gau, graphic by, 1855, 31.4 x 48.3 (21.3 x 26) cm

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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Л.Троцкiй, "Трудъ, дисциплина, порядокъ спасутъ Социалистическую Совѣтскую Республику", докладъ на московсой городской конференцiи Россiйской Коммунистической партiи 28 марта 1918 г., 1918, Издательство Всероссийского Центрального Исполнительного Комитета Советов Р., С.,К. и К. Депутатов, Moscow, 32 pages
№ 24919 Ask Question
Л.Троцкiй, "Трудъ, дисциплина, порядокъ спасутъ Социалистическую Совѣтскую Республику", докладъ на московсой городской конференцiи Россiйской Коммунистической партiи 28 марта 1918 г., 1918, Издательство Всероссийского Центрального Исполнительного Комитета Советов Р., С.,К. и К. Депутатов, Moscow, 32 pages Full description
Л.Троцкiй, "Трудъ, дисциплина, порядокъ спасутъ Социалистическую Совѣтскую Республику", докладъ на московсой городской конференцiи Россiйской Коммунистической партiи 28 марта 1918 г., 1918, Издательство Всероссийского Центрального Исполнительного Комитета Советов Р., С.,К. и К. Депутатов, Moscow, 32 pages

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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poster, advertising placard, "Saimnieks" cigarettes, Stock Company  "Laferme", Riga, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 34.9 x 34 cm
№ 24918 Ask Question
poster, advertising placard, "Saimnieks" cigarettes, Stock Company "Laferme", Riga, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 34.9 x 34 cm Full description
poster, advertising placard, "Saimnieks" cigarettes, Stock Company "Laferme", Riga, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 34.9 x 34 cm

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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advertising placard, Stock Company Ratfelders, drawn by W. Linde, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 43.9 x 29.6 cm
№ 24917 Ask Question
advertising placard, Stock Company Ratfelders, drawn by W. Linde, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 43.9 x 29.6 cm Full description
advertising placard, Stock Company Ratfelders, drawn by W. Linde, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 43.9 x 29.6 cm

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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"Прибалтiйскiй край и война", материалы изъ русской печати за августъ, сентябръ и октябръ 1914, compiled by А.П.Тупинъ, 1915, А.П. Тупина, S-Peterburg, 241 pages
№ 24916 Ask Question
"Прибалтiйскiй край и война", материалы изъ русской печати за августъ, сентябръ и октябръ 1914, compiled by А.П.Тупинъ, 1915, А.П. Тупина, S-Peterburg, 241 pages Full description
"Прибалтiйскiй край и война", материалы изъ русской печати за августъ, сентябръ и октябръ 1914, compiled by А.П.Тупинъ, 1915, А.П. Тупина, S-Peterburg, 241 pages

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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poster, advertising, Vēf super KBD, edited by A/S "Ernst Plates", 20-30ties of 20th cent., 30.1 x 21.4 cm
№ 24915 Ask Question
poster, advertising, Vēf super KBD, edited by A/S "Ernst Plates", 20-30ties of 20th cent., 30.1 x 21.4 cm Full description
poster, advertising, Vēf super KBD, edited by A/S "Ernst Plates", 20-30ties of 20th cent., 30.1 x 21.4 cm

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poster, advertising, Stock Company "Wec-Gulbenes Alusdaritava" (Gulbene Brewery), Ernst Plates, in Riga, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 48.2 x 35 cm
№ 24914 Ask Question
poster, advertising, Stock Company "Wec-Gulbenes Alusdaritava" (Gulbene Brewery), Ernst Plates, in Riga, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 48.2 x 35 cm Full description
poster, advertising, Stock Company "Wec-Gulbenes Alusdaritava" (Gulbene Brewery), Ernst Plates, in Riga, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 48.2 x 35 cm

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Prussian dragoon fights with Cossack (Nº319), paper, lithograph, 47.8 x 69.5 (30.1 x 52.7) cm
№ 24913 Ask Question
Prussian dragoon fights with Cossack (Nº319), paper, lithograph, 47.8 x 69.5 (30.1 x 52.7) cm Full description
Prussian dragoon fights with Cossack (Nº319), paper, lithograph, 47.8 x 69.5 (30.1 x 52.7) cm

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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placard, Soviet film "Mother" (1926), directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin, 70ties of 20th cent., 114.8 x 79.6 cm
№ 24912 Ask Question
placard, Soviet film "Mother" (1926), directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin, 70ties of 20th cent., 114.8 x 79.6 cm Full description
placard, Soviet film "Mother" (1926), directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin, 70ties of 20th cent., 114.8 x 79.6 cm

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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