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All Auction #16 November 2015 items

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"Часовник", 1909, Преображенский богаделенный дом, Moscow, leather binding, two color print
№ 21264 Ask Question
"Часовник", 1909, Преображенский богаделенный дом, Moscow, leather binding, two color print Full description
"Часовник", 1909, Преображенский богаделенный дом, Moscow, leather binding, two color print

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The auction has ended! 28.11.2015 21:11:56
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"Природа", полный годовой комплект за 1913 год (январь-деабрь), edited by проф. Н.К.Кольцов и проф. Л.А.Тарасевич, 1913, издательство "Природа", Moscow, в столб. 1536 pages
№ 23090 Ask Question
"Природа", полный годовой комплект за 1913 год (январь-деабрь), edited by проф. Н.К.Кольцов и проф. Л.А.Тарасевич, 1913, издательство "Природа", Moscow, в столб. 1536 pages Full description
"Природа", полный годовой комплект за 1913 год (январь-деабрь), edited by проф. Н.К.Кольцов и проф. Л.А.Тарасевич, 1913, издательство "Природа", Moscow, в столб. 1536 pages

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The auction has ended! 28.11.2015 21:00:00
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"Природа", полный годовой комплект за 1914 год (январь-деабрь), edited by проф. Н.К.Кольцов и проф. Л.А.Тарасевич, 1914, издательство "Природа", Moscow, в столб. 1536 pages
№ 22702 Ask Question
"Природа", полный годовой комплект за 1914 год (январь-деабрь), edited by проф. Н.К.Кольцов и проф. Л.А.Тарасевич, 1914, издательство "Природа", Moscow, в столб. 1536 pages Full description
"Природа", полный годовой комплект за 1914 год (январь-деабрь), edited by проф. Н.К.Кольцов и проф. Л.А.Тарасевич, 1914, издательство "Природа", Moscow, в столб. 1536 pages

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The auction has ended! 28.11.2015 21:00:00
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№ 22675 Ask Question
"РУССКАЯ ЗОЛОТАЯ И СЕРЕБРЯННАЯ СКАНЬ.", М.ПОСТНИКОВА-ЛОСЕВА., 1981, Moscow, Искусство, 288 pages Full description

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The auction has ended! 28.11.2015 21:07:58
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"Конволют", (старообрядческий) о лжепророках, сказания, ~1870-1875, 60+51+18 pages, leather binding, monastery publication, 2-color printing, multiple notes in text, last pages are missing
№ 21267 Ask Question
"Конволют", (старообрядческий) о лжепророках, сказания, ~1870-1875, 60+51+18 pages, leather binding, monastery publication, 2-color printing, multiple notes in text, last pages are missing Full description
"Конволют", (старообрядческий) о лжепророках, сказания, ~1870-1875, 60+51+18 pages, leather binding, monastery publication, 2-color printing, multiple notes in text, last pages are missing

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The auction has ended! 28.11.2015 21:07:01
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samovar, travelling, brass, Russia, the 19th cent., h = 24.5 cm, weight 870 g
№ 20509 Ask Question
samovar, travelling, brass, Russia, the 19th cent., h = 24.5 cm, weight 870 g Full description
samovar, travelling, brass, Russia, the 19th cent., h = 24.5 cm, weight 870 g

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The auction has ended! 28.11.2015 21:00:00
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service cap, NKVD (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs ), USSR, 1935-1937, cockade rare type (32 x 35 mm) with surface mounted hammer and sickle
№ 20696 Ask Question
service cap, NKVD (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs ), USSR, 1935-1937, cockade rare type (32 x 35 mm) with surface mounted hammer and sickle Full description
service cap, NKVD (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs ), USSR, 1935-1937, cockade rare type (32 x 35 mm) with surface mounted hammer and sickle

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The auction has ended! 10.10.2015 21:00:00
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Алексей Боровой, "Анархизмъ", 1918, книгоиздательство "Революцiя и культура", Moscow, 169 pages, possessory binding
№ 22849 Ask Question
Алексей Боровой, "Анархизмъ", 1918, книгоиздательство "Революцiя и культура", Moscow, 169 pages, possessory binding Full description
Алексей Боровой, "Анархизмъ", 1918, книгоиздательство "Революцiя и культура", Moscow, 169 pages, possessory binding

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The auction has ended! 28.11.2015 21:20:02
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figurine, Boy on a horse, porcelain, Riga (Latvia), USSR, sculpture's work, Riga porcelain factory, handpainted by Antonina Pashkevich, molder - S. Bolzan-Golumbovskaja, the 50ies of 20th cent., 16.5 cm
№ 22117 Ask Question
figurine, Boy on a horse, porcelain, Riga (Latvia), USSR, sculpture's work, Riga porcelain factory, handpainted by Antonina Pashkevich, molder - S. Bolzan-Golumbovskaja, the 50ies of 20th cent., 16.5 cm Full description
figurine, Boy on a horse, porcelain, Riga (Latvia), USSR, sculpture's work, Riga porcelain factory, handpainted by Antonina Pashkevich, molder - S. Bolzan-Golumbovskaja, the 50ies of 20th cent., 16.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 28.11.2015 21:09:04
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vase, sculpture's work, Rudolph Pelshe ceramics workshop in LMA, shape by Adolph Turks, Riga (Latvia), the 30ties of 20th cent., 13 cm
№ 23022 Ask Question
vase, sculpture's work, Rudolph Pelshe ceramics workshop in LMA, shape by Adolph Turks, Riga (Latvia), the 30ties of 20th cent., 13 cm Full description
vase, sculpture's work, Rudolph Pelshe ceramics workshop in LMA, shape by Adolph Turks, Riga (Latvia), the 30ties of 20th cent., 13 cm

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map, 19th cent., 64 x 49.8 cm, gravure of the 19th century
№ 22204 Ask Question
map, 19th cent., 64 x 49.8 cm, gravure of the 19th century Full description
map, 19th cent., 64 x 49.8 cm, gravure of the 19th century

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map, Plan de la ville de Saint Petersbourg (Map of the Saint Petersburg), 1802, 45.1 x 39.5 cm
№ 22202 Ask Question
map, Plan de la ville de Saint Petersbourg (Map of the Saint Petersburg), 1802, 45.1 x 39.5 cm Full description
map, Plan de la ville de Saint Petersbourg (Map of the Saint Petersburg), 1802, 45.1 x 39.5 cm

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