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All Auction #16 November 2015 items

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"Сочиненiя и письма Гоголя", IV том,  Мертвые души, 1857, П.А.Кулиша, St. Petersburg, 554 pages
№ 21896 Ask Question
"Сочиненiя и письма Гоголя", IV том, Мертвые души, 1857, П.А.Кулиша, St. Petersburg, 554 pages Full description
"Сочиненiя и письма Гоголя", IV том, Мертвые души, 1857, П.А.Кулиша, St. Petersburg, 554 pages

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"Полное собранiе сочиненiй Н.В.Гоголя", 12 томов, edited by Н.С.Тихонравов, 1901, А. Ф. Маркс, St. Petersburg
№ 21902 Ask Question
"Полное собранiе сочиненiй Н.В.Гоголя", 12 томов, edited by Н.С.Тихонравов, 1901, А. Ф. Маркс, St. Petersburg Full description
"Полное собранiе сочиненiй Н.В.Гоголя", 12 томов, edited by Н.С.Тихонравов, 1901, А. Ф. Маркс, St. Petersburg

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Delle Biruta (1944), In the Park, canvas, oil, 36x32 cm
№ 22331 Ask Question
Delle Biruta (1944), In the Park, canvas, oil, 36x32 cm Full description
Delle Biruta (1944), In the Park, canvas, oil, 36x32 cm

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И. И. Кауфман, "Статистика русскихъ банковъ", по порученiю  центральнаго статистическаго комитета, часть первая, 1872, Центральный статистический комитетъ министерства внутреннихъ делъ, St. Petersburg, 18+355 pages, possessory binding
№ 21678 Ask Question
И. И. Кауфман, "Статистика русскихъ банковъ", по порученiю центральнаго статистическаго комитета, часть первая, 1872, Центральный статистический комитетъ министерства внутреннихъ делъ, St. Petersburg, 18+355 pages, possessory binding Full description
И. И. Кауфман, "Статистика русскихъ банковъ", по порученiю центральнаго статистическаго комитета, часть первая, 1872, Центральный статистический комитетъ министерства внутреннихъ делъ, St. Petersburg, 18+355 pages, possessory binding

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samovar, Братья Воронцовы, shape "smooth sphere", brass, nickel plating, Russia, the 2nd half of the 19th cent., 32.5 cm, weight 2810 g
№ 21881 Ask Question
samovar, Братья Воронцовы, shape "smooth sphere", brass, nickel plating, Russia, the 2nd half of the 19th cent., 32.5 cm, weight 2810 g Full description
samovar, Братья Воронцовы, shape "smooth sphere", brass, nickel plating, Russia, the 2nd half of the 19th cent., 32.5 cm, weight 2810 g

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С. И. Новаковский, "Панамскiй каналъ и его мiровое значенiе", съ предисловiемъ профессора М. В. Довнаръ - Запольскаго, 1914, типографiя И. И. Чоколова, Kiev, 9+1+590 pages, possessory binding
№ 21676 Ask Question
С. И. Новаковский, "Панамскiй каналъ и его мiровое значенiе", съ предисловiемъ профессора М. В. Довнаръ - Запольскаго, 1914, типографiя И. И. Чоколова, Kiev, 9+1+590 pages, possessory binding Full description
С. И. Новаковский, "Панамскiй каналъ и его мiровое значенiе", съ предисловiемъ профессора М. В. Довнаръ - Запольскаго, 1914, типографiя И. И. Чоколова, Kiev, 9+1+590 pages, possessory binding

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samovar, Alenchikov and Zimin, shape "smooth egg", brass, nickel plating, Russia, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, 37.5 cm, weight 4120 g
№ 21880 Ask Question
samovar, Alenchikov and Zimin, shape "smooth egg", brass, nickel plating, Russia, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, 37.5 cm, weight 4120 g Full description
samovar, Alenchikov and Zimin, shape "smooth egg", brass, nickel plating, Russia, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, 37.5 cm, weight 4120 g

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Адамъ Мицкевичъ, "Книги народа польскаго и польскаго пилигримства", переводъ Анатолiя Виноградова, экземпляр № 865 (изъ 999 нумерованныхъ), 1907, Типографiя Русскаго Товарищества, изданiе В. В. Пашуканиса, Moscow, 114+70 pages, possessory binding
№ 21677 Ask Question
Адамъ Мицкевичъ, "Книги народа польскаго и польскаго пилигримства", переводъ Анатолiя Виноградова, экземпляр № 865 (изъ 999 нумерованныхъ), 1907, Типографiя Русскаго Товарищества, изданiе В. В. Пашуканиса, Moscow, 114+70 pages, possessory binding Full description
Адамъ Мицкевичъ, "Книги народа польскаго и польскаго пилигримства", переводъ Анатолiя Виноградова, экземпляр № 865 (изъ 999 нумерованныхъ), 1907, Типографiя Русскаго Товарищества, изданiе В. В. Пашуканиса, Moscow, 114+70 pages, possessory binding

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figurine, Suvorovets, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, molder - S.B. Velihova, the 60ies of 20th cent., 16 cm, first grade
№ 22126 Ask Question
figurine, Suvorovets, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, molder - S.B. Velihova, the 60ies of 20th cent., 16 cm, first grade Full description
figurine, Suvorovets, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, molder - S.B. Velihova, the 60ies of 20th cent., 16 cm, first grade

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samovar, Malikov (?), shape - semivase, brass, nickel plating, Russia, 1850-1870, 43 cm, weight 5590 g
№ 21882 Ask Question
samovar, Malikov (?), shape - semivase, brass, nickel plating, Russia, 1850-1870, 43 cm, weight 5590 g Full description
samovar, Malikov (?), shape - semivase, brass, nickel plating, Russia, 1850-1870, 43 cm, weight 5590 g

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USSR Merited Artist I.M. Moskvin portrait sculpture, faience, USSR, Kirov faience factory, 1934-1936, 13 cm
№ 20712 Ask Question
USSR Merited Artist I.M. Moskvin portrait sculpture, faience, USSR, Kirov faience factory, 1934-1936, 13 cm Full description
USSR Merited Artist I.M. Moskvin portrait sculpture, faience, USSR, Kirov faience factory, 1934-1936, 13 cm

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№ 22676 Ask Question
"ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЛИТЬЁ ИЗ ЧУГУНА "КАСЛИ".", З.Г.МАЛАЕВА., 2005, Moscow, ИНТЕРБУК-БИЗНЕС., 160 pages Full description

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