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All Auction #76 March 2025 items

06.03.2025 - 09.03.2025
Actual information:
- The terms of payment - 10 calendar days from the date of ending of the auction
- Russia, Belorus - delivery to is not possible, payments from are not accepted (Due to the sanctions imposed by the European Union,)

BUYER'S PREMIUM (winning bidder's fee) is:

17% - standard rate
5% - commission is applied to lots from the section "Investment gold coins"
5% - applies to all sections for lots sold in the "After Sale" format at the STARTING price (format conditions are described in rules)

Our contact information:
+371 27750800 ("WHATSAPP" , "VIBER", "TELEGRAM" supported)

Auction ends on
9 of March 2025 21:00* Latvian time zone (UTC+2)
24 hours extension in "Aftersale" format
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tea glass-holder, "Drink to your health", B. Henneberg, Warszawa, silver plated, metal, Russia, Congress Poland, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, Ø (inside) 6.8 cm, h (with handle) 8.8 сm
№ 84040 Ask Question
tea glass-holder, "Drink to your health", B. Henneberg, Warszawa, silver plated, metal, Russia, Congress Poland, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, Ø (inside) 6.8 cm, h (with handle) 8.8 сm Full description
tea glass-holder, "Drink to your health", B. Henneberg, Warszawa, silver plated, metal, Russia, Congress Poland, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, Ø (inside) 6.8 cm, h (with handle) 8.8 сm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:00:00
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medal, of honour of the Cross of Recognition, 2nd class, silver, 875 standard, Latvia, 20-30ies of 20th cent.
№ 84039 Ask Question
medal, of honour of the Cross of Recognition, 2nd class, silver, 875 standard, Latvia, 20-30ies of 20th cent. Full description
medal, of honour of the Cross of Recognition, 2nd class, silver, 875 standard, Latvia, 20-30ies of 20th cent.

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:16:51
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photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.4х8.4 cm
№ 84038 Ask Question
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.4х8.4 cm Full description
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.4х8.4 cm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:02:45
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photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.4х8.4 cm
№ 84037 Ask Question
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.4х8.4 cm Full description
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.4х8.4 cm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:00:00
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photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.4х8.4 cm
№ 84036 Ask Question
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.4х8.4 cm Full description
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.4х8.4 cm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:11:10
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photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.5x8.5 cm
№ 84035 Ask Question
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.5x8.5 cm Full description
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.5x8.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:00:00
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photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.5x8.3 cm
№ 84034 Ask Question
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.5x8.3 cm Full description
photography, Riga, Welcoming Kārlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Latvian Provisional Government on the Daugava embankment on June 27, 1919, Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.5x8.3 cm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:14:35
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photography, Riga, On June 27, 1919, at 18:00, Karlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Provisional Government of Latvia disembarked from the steamship "Saratov", Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.3x8.3 cm
№ 84033 Ask Question
photography, Riga, On June 27, 1919, at 18:00, Karlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Provisional Government of Latvia disembarked from the steamship "Saratov", Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.3x8.3 cm Full description
photography, Riga, On June 27, 1919, at 18:00, Karlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Provisional Government of Latvia disembarked from the steamship "Saratov", Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.3x8.3 cm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:02:01
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photography, Riga, On June 27, 1919, at 18:00, Karlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Provisional Government of Latvia disembarked from the steamship "Saratov", Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 12х7.3 cm
№ 84032 Ask Question
photography, Riga, On June 27, 1919, at 18:00, Karlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Provisional Government of Latvia disembarked from the steamship "Saratov", Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 12х7.3 cm Full description
photography, Riga, On June 27, 1919, at 18:00, Karlis Ulmanis and his ministers of the Provisional Government of Latvia disembarked from the steamship "Saratov", Latvia, beginning of 20th cent., 12х7.3 cm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:02:16
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photography, motorcycle, J. Klint "Death ride" inside a metal sphere ball, Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 14х9 cm
№ 84031 Ask Question
photography, motorcycle, J. Klint "Death ride" inside a metal sphere ball, Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 14х9 cm Full description
photography, motorcycle, J. Klint "Death ride" inside a metal sphere ball, Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 14х9 cm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:00:16
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Раич Иоанн, "Цветник в двести двадцати четырех избранных историях", 1802, Budin Grad, XLIX+584 pages, leather binding, 20.5 х 13 cm, Иоанн (Раич) - Архимандрит Иоанн (в миру Йо́ван Ра́ич, серб. Јован Рајић; 21 сентября 1726, Сремски-Карловци — 22 декабря 1801, Ковиль) — сербский писатель и историк. Родился в селении Сремски-Карловци, учился в иезуитской гимназии в Коморане, затем в протестантской в Шопроне и наконец в 1752—1756 годах изучал богословие в Киево-Могилянской академии. Затем некоторое время преподавал в Сремски-Карловцах и Нови-Саде, а в 1772 году принял постриг в Ковильском монастыре, где в дальнейшем стал архимандритом и провёл остаток жизни за сочинением литературных и исторических трудов. Писал на множестве языков, включая русский[2], немецкий, венгерский, церковнославянский и латынь. Раичу принадлежат, в частности, труд «История разных словенских народов, преимущественно болгар, хорватов и сербов, из тьмы забвения изъятая» (Исторія разныхъ славенскихъ народовъ, наипаче болгаръ, хорватовъ и сербовъ, изъ тмы забвенія изятая), изданная в Вене в 1794—1795 годах, и поэма «Битва змея с орлом» (Бој змаја с орлови), посвящённая войне России и Австрии с турками.
№ 84030 Ask Question
Раич Иоанн, "Цветник в двести двадцати четырех избранных историях", 1802, Budin Grad, XLIX+584 pages, leather binding, 20.5 х 13 cm, Иоанн (Раич) - Архимандрит Иоанн (в миру Йо́ван Ра́ич, серб. Јован Рајић; 21 сентября 1726, Сремски-Карловци — 22 декабря 1801, Ковиль) — сербский писатель и историк. Родился в селении Сремски-Карловци, учился в иезуитской гимназии в Коморане, затем в протестантской в Шопроне и наконец в 1752—1756 годах изучал богословие в Киево-Могилянской академии. Затем некоторое время преподавал в Сремски-Карловцах и Нови-Саде, а в 1772 году принял постриг в Ковильском монастыре, где в дальнейшем стал архимандритом и провёл остаток жизни за сочинением литературных и исторических трудов. Писал на множестве языков, включая русский[2], немецкий, венгерский, церковнославянский и латынь. Раичу принадлежат, в частности, труд «История разных словенских народов, преимущественно болгар, хорватов и сербов, из тьмы забвения изъятая» (Исторія разныхъ славенскихъ народовъ, наипаче болгаръ, хорватовъ и сербовъ, изъ тмы забвенія изятая), изданная в Вене в 1794—1795 годах, и поэма «Битва змея с орлом» (Бој змаја с орлови), посвящённая войне России и Австрии с турками. Full description
Раич Иоанн, "Цветник в двести двадцати четырех избранных историях", 1802, Budin Grad, XLIX+584 pages, leather binding, 20.5 х 13 cm, Иоанн (Раич) - Архимандрит Иоанн (в миру Йо́ван Ра́ич, серб. Јован Рајић; 21 сентября 1726, Сремски-Карловци — 22 декабря 1801, Ковиль) — сербский писатель и историк. Родился в селении Сремски-Карловци, учился в иезуитской гимназии в Коморане, затем в протестантской в Шопроне и наконец в 1752—1756 годах изучал богословие в Киево-Могилянской академии. Затем некоторое время преподавал в Сремски-Карловцах и Нови-Саде, а в 1772 году принял постриг в Ковильском монастыре, где в дальнейшем стал архимандритом и провёл остаток жизни за сочинением литературных и исторических трудов. Писал на множестве языков, включая русский[2], немецкий, венгерский, церковнославянский и латынь. Раичу принадлежат, в частности, труд «История разных словенских народов, преимущественно болгар, хорватов и сербов, из тьмы забвения изъятая» (Исторія разныхъ славенскихъ народовъ, наипаче болгаръ, хорватовъ и сербовъ, изъ тмы забвенія изятая), изданная в Вене в 1794—1795 годах, и поэма «Битва змея с орлом» (Бој змаја с орлови), посвящённая войне России и Австрии с турками.

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:20:45
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photography, bus, Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 13.3х8.2 cm
№ 84029 Ask Question
photography, bus, Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 13.3х8.2 cm Full description
photography, bus, Latvia, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 13.3х8.2 cm

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The auction has ended! 09.03.2025 21:00:00
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