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All Auction #24 May 2017 items

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"Великая война в образах и картинах", № 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9, 1915, товарищество типографии А.И.Мамонтова, Moscow, 32 x 32 cm, issue Nº2 - text block falls apart
№ 33949 Ask Question
"Великая война в образах и картинах", № 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9, 1915, товарищество типографии А.И.Мамонтова, Moscow, 32 x 32 cm, issue Nº2 - text block falls apart Full description
"Великая война в образах и картинах", № 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9, 1915, товарищество типографии А.И.Мамонтова, Moscow, 32 x 32 cm, issue Nº2 - text block falls apart

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The auction has ended! 27.05.2017 21:00:00
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"Труды экспедиций по изучению соболя и исследованию соболиного промысла. Серия II Саянская экспедиция", Саянский промыслово-охотничий район и соболиный промысел в нем. С 83 рисунками в тексте, 7 картами, 46 таблицами и 2 диаграммами, 1921, Государственное издательство, St. Petersburg, 458 pages, stamps, uncut pages, 26 x 18 cm, 1 map in appendix
№ 33401 Ask Question
"Труды экспедиций по изучению соболя и исследованию соболиного промысла. Серия II Саянская экспедиция", Саянский промыслово-охотничий район и соболиный промысел в нем. С 83 рисунками в тексте, 7 картами, 46 таблицами и 2 диаграммами, 1921, Государственное издательство, St. Petersburg, 458 pages, stamps, uncut pages, 26 x 18 cm, 1 map in appendix Full description
"Труды экспедиций по изучению соболя и исследованию соболиного промысла. Серия II Саянская экспедиция", Саянский промыслово-охотничий район и соболиный промысел в нем. С 83 рисунками в тексте, 7 картами, 46 таблицами и 2 диаграммами, 1921, Государственное издательство, St. Petersburg, 458 pages, stamps, uncut pages, 26 x 18 cm, 1 map in appendix

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The auction has ended! 27.05.2017 21:00:00
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cockade, Air Forces, Latvia, the 30ies of 20th cent., 50.8 x 60.4 mm, 11.05 g
№ 32538 Ask Question
cockade, Air Forces, Latvia, the 30ies of 20th cent., 50.8 x 60.4 mm, 11.05 g Full description
cockade, Air Forces, Latvia, the 30ies of 20th cent., 50.8 x 60.4 mm, 11.05 g

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The auction has ended! 28.05.2017 21:00:00
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badge, Auto-tank regiment, Latvia, 20-30ies of 20th cent., 44.4 x 44.7 mm, 25.50 g, tiny enamel chips
№ 32537 Ask Question
badge, Auto-tank regiment, Latvia, 20-30ies of 20th cent., 44.4 x 44.7 mm, 25.50 g, tiny enamel chips Full description
badge, Auto-tank regiment, Latvia, 20-30ies of 20th cent., 44.4 x 44.7 mm, 25.50 g, tiny enamel chips

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The auction has ended! 27.05.2017 21:09:33
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В. Пуришкевич, "Дневник Члена Государственной Думы Владимира Митрофановича Пуришкевича", 1924, National reklama, Riga, 147 pages, foxing, illustrations on separate pages, 22.5 x 13.7 cm, edition of 2500 copies
№ 32150 Ask Question
В. Пуришкевич, "Дневник Члена Государственной Думы Владимира Митрофановича Пуришкевича", 1924, National reklama, Riga, 147 pages, foxing, illustrations on separate pages, 22.5 x 13.7 cm, edition of 2500 copies Full description
В. Пуришкевич, "Дневник Члена Государственной Думы Владимира Митрофановича Пуришкевича", 1924, National reklama, Riga, 147 pages, foxing, illustrations on separate pages, 22.5 x 13.7 cm, edition of 2500 copies

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The auction has ended! 27.05.2017 21:39:47
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order, Order of the October Revolution Nº 44723, silver, USSR, 60-80ies of 20 cent., 43.8 x 43.5 mm, 30.55 g
№ 35761 Ask Question
order, Order of the October Revolution Nº 44723, silver, USSR, 60-80ies of 20 cent., 43.8 x 43.5 mm, 30.55 g Full description
order, Order of the October Revolution Nº 44723, silver, USSR, 60-80ies of 20 cent., 43.8 x 43.5 mm, 30.55 g

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The auction has ended! 27.05.2017 21:00:00
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photography, sailor from the submarine Lovic (?), on cardboard, Russia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.5 x 9.4 cm
№ 34397 Ask Question
photography, sailor from the submarine Lovic (?), on cardboard, Russia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.5 x 9.4 cm Full description
photography, sailor from the submarine Lovic (?), on cardboard, Russia, beginning of 20th cent., 13.5 x 9.4 cm

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The auction has ended! 27.05.2017 21:00:00
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Lībiete Jana, "Morning wind", 1st page of triptych, dedication to Kr. Valdemārs, 1985, paper, etching, 37.6 x 48.7 cm
№ 34396 Ask Question
Lībiete Jana, "Morning wind", 1st page of triptych, dedication to Kr. Valdemārs, 1985, paper, etching, 37.6 x 48.7 cm Full description
Lībiete Jana, "Morning wind", 1st page of triptych, dedication to Kr. Valdemārs, 1985, paper, etching, 37.6 x 48.7 cm

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The auction has ended! 28.05.2017 21:00:00
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Lībiete Jana, "Morning wind", 3rd page of triptych, dedication to Kr. Valdemārs, 1985, paper, etching, 38.3 x 48.5 cm
№ 34395 Ask Question
Lībiete Jana, "Morning wind", 3rd page of triptych, dedication to Kr. Valdemārs, 1985, paper, etching, 38.3 x 48.5 cm Full description
Lībiete Jana, "Morning wind", 3rd page of triptych, dedication to Kr. Valdemārs, 1985, paper, etching, 38.3 x 48.5 cm

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Lībiete Jana, "Morning wind", 2nd page of triptych, dedication to Kr. Valdemārs, 1985, paper, etching, 38.7 x 48.6 cm
№ 34394 Ask Question
Lībiete Jana, "Morning wind", 2nd page of triptych, dedication to Kr. Valdemārs, 1985, paper, etching, 38.7 x 48.6 cm Full description
Lībiete Jana, "Morning wind", 2nd page of triptych, dedication to Kr. Valdemārs, 1985, paper, etching, 38.7 x 48.6 cm

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"Ceturdienas Rīts", ceturtā rakstu grāmata audējiem, II. izdevums, compiled by P. Vilumsons, P. Vilumsons, Riga, 41 pages, 28 x 22.5 cm
№ 34392 Ask Question
"Ceturdienas Rīts", ceturtā rakstu grāmata audējiem, II. izdevums, compiled by P. Vilumsons, P. Vilumsons, Riga, 41 pages, 28 x 22.5 cm Full description
"Ceturdienas Rīts", ceturtā rakstu grāmata audējiem, II. izdevums, compiled by P. Vilumsons, P. Vilumsons, Riga, 41 pages, 28 x 22.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 27.05.2017 21:00:00
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e-boat model, USSR, 1978, 42.5 x 9.5 x 21 cm, with dedication inscription "To Captain 3rd rank Matyukhin G. I. in honor of the 50th anniversary of the DKBF"
№ 34391 Ask Question
e-boat model, USSR, 1978, 42.5 x 9.5 x 21 cm, with dedication inscription "To Captain 3rd rank Matyukhin G. I. in honor of the 50th anniversary of the DKBF" Full description
e-boat model, USSR, 1978, 42.5 x 9.5 x 21 cm, with dedication inscription "To Captain 3rd rank Matyukhin G. I. in honor of the 50th anniversary of the DKBF"

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The auction has ended! 27.05.2017 21:31:28
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