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All Auction #21 December 2016 items

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Карамзин, "Товарищи черной шали", исторический роман, извлеченный из русских летописей Сен-Тома, переводчика истории государства Российскаго, части II и III, 1832, типография Н.Степанова, Moscow, 171+161 pages, half leather binding, cover detached from text block, damaged binding
№ 29762 Ask Question
Карамзин, "Товарищи черной шали", исторический роман, извлеченный из русских летописей Сен-Тома, переводчика истории государства Российскаго, части II и III, 1832, типография Н.Степанова, Moscow, 171+161 pages, half leather binding, cover detached from text block, damaged binding Full description
Карамзин, "Товарищи черной шали", исторический роман, извлеченный из русских летописей Сен-Тома, переводчика истории государства Российскаго, части II и III, 1832, типография Н.Степанова, Moscow, 171+161 pages, half leather binding, cover detached from text block, damaged binding

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The auction has ended! 11.12.2016 21:00:00
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В. Жуковский, "Переводы въ прозѣ", том третий, Смесь, издание второе, 1827, Типографiя Глазунова, St. Petersburg, 240+2 pages, half leather binding, cover detached from text block
№ 29761 Ask Question
В. Жуковский, "Переводы въ прозѣ", том третий, Смесь, издание второе, 1827, Типографiя Глазунова, St. Petersburg, 240+2 pages, half leather binding, cover detached from text block Full description
В. Жуковский, "Переводы въ прозѣ", том третий, Смесь, издание второе, 1827, Типографiя Глазунова, St. Petersburg, 240+2 pages, half leather binding, cover detached from text block

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The auction has ended! 11.12.2016 21:00:00
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Г. Графъ, "На "Новикѣ"", (Балтiйскiй флотъ въ войну и революцiю), 1922, типографiя Р.Ольденбургъ, Munich, XXII+480 pages, half leather binding, stamps, book collection of Verzunov V. V., 1 scheme in appendix
№ 29760 Ask Question
Г. Графъ, "На "Новикѣ"", (Балтiйскiй флотъ въ войну и революцiю), 1922, типографiя Р.Ольденбургъ, Munich, XXII+480 pages, half leather binding, stamps, book collection of Verzunov V. V., 1 scheme in appendix Full description
Г. Графъ, "На "Новикѣ"", (Балтiйскiй флотъ въ войну и революцiю), 1922, типографiя Р.Ольденбургъ, Munich, XXII+480 pages, half leather binding, stamps, book collection of Verzunov V. V., 1 scheme in appendix

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The auction has ended! 10.12.2016 21:07:17
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order, The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas, 1st class, Lithuania, 20ies of 20th cent., 77.7 x 63.8 mm, 41.05 g, the ribbon is not original
№ 29758 Ask Question
order, The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas, 1st class, Lithuania, 20ies of 20th cent., 77.7 x 63.8 mm, 41.05 g, the ribbon is not original Full description
order, The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas, 1st class, Lithuania, 20ies of 20th cent., 77.7 x 63.8 mm, 41.05 g, the ribbon is not original

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The auction has ended! 10.12.2016 21:04:16
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figurative composition, Georgian peasant with araba, carrying a jug, Hodorovich Felix, bronze, 47.6 x 26.5 x 27.5 cm, weight 13650 g., Russia, K.F.Verfel, 1880-1889
№ 29755 Ask Question
figurative composition, Georgian peasant with araba, carrying a jug, Hodorovich Felix, bronze, 47.6 x 26.5 x 27.5 cm, weight 13650 g., Russia, K.F.Verfel, 1880-1889 Full description
figurative composition, Georgian peasant with araba, carrying a jug, Hodorovich Felix, bronze, 47.6 x 26.5 x 27.5 cm, weight 13650 g., Russia, K.F.Verfel, 1880-1889

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The auction has ended! 11.12.2016 21:00:00
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figurine, Girl with a dog, porcelain, Riga (Latvia), USSR, Riga porcelain factory, molder - S. Bolzan-Golumbovskaja, the 50ies of 20th cent., 14.5 cm, top grade
№ 29752 Ask Question
figurine, Girl with a dog, porcelain, Riga (Latvia), USSR, Riga porcelain factory, molder - S. Bolzan-Golumbovskaja, the 50ies of 20th cent., 14.5 cm, top grade Full description
figurine, Girl with a dog, porcelain, Riga (Latvia), USSR, Riga porcelain factory, molder - S. Bolzan-Golumbovskaja, the 50ies of 20th cent., 14.5 cm, top grade

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The auction has ended! 10.12.2016 21:06:49
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figurine, Pig-tender, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, molder - M. Samolyetova, the 50ies of 20th cent., 18.2 cm
№ 29751 Ask Question
figurine, Pig-tender, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, molder - M. Samolyetova, the 50ies of 20th cent., 18.2 cm Full description
figurine, Pig-tender, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, molder - M. Samolyetova, the 50ies of 20th cent., 18.2 cm

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The auction has ended! 10.12.2016 21:10:29
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figurine, A chukchi child with a ball, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, molder - O. Manuilova, the 30-40ties of 20th cent., 21.5 cm
№ 29750 Ask Question
figurine, A chukchi child with a ball, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, molder - O. Manuilova, the 30-40ties of 20th cent., 21.5 cm Full description
figurine, A chukchi child with a ball, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, molder - O. Manuilova, the 30-40ties of 20th cent., 21.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 10.12.2016 21:03:31
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sugar-bowl, silver, 84 standard, 490.80 g, h 15.7 cm, 1899-1908, Vilna, Russia
№ 29749 Ask Question
sugar-bowl, silver, 84 standard, 490.80 g, h 15.7 cm, 1899-1908, Vilna, Russia Full description
sugar-bowl, silver, 84 standard, 490.80 g, h 15.7 cm, 1899-1908, Vilna, Russia

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The auction has ended! 10.12.2016 21:44:47
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table medal, the Grand School Gold Medal of Lithuanian SSR, guilding, USSR, Lithuania, 60-70ies of 20 cent., Ø 40 mm
№ 29748 Ask Question
table medal, the Grand School Gold Medal of Lithuanian SSR, guilding, USSR, Lithuania, 60-70ies of 20 cent., Ø 40 mm Full description
table medal, the Grand School Gold Medal of Lithuanian SSR, guilding, USSR, Lithuania, 60-70ies of 20 cent., Ø 40 mm

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The auction has ended! 10.12.2016 21:00:00
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small teapot, silver, 84 standard, 360.80 g, engraving, h 13.2 cm, Varvara Baladanova factory, 1896-1907, Moscow, Russia
№ 29747 Ask Question
small teapot, silver, 84 standard, 360.80 g, engraving, h 13.2 cm, Varvara Baladanova factory, 1896-1907, Moscow, Russia Full description
small teapot, silver, 84 standard, 360.80 g, engraving, h 13.2 cm, Varvara Baladanova factory, 1896-1907, Moscow, Russia

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The auction has ended! 10.12.2016 21:30:14
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jetton, private labor services assistance society in Novgorod, XXV, gold, Russia, 1894, 42 x 21.3 mm, 11.45 g, damaged enamel
№ 29746 Ask Question
jetton, private labor services assistance society in Novgorod, XXV, gold, Russia, 1894, 42 x 21.3 mm, 11.45 g, damaged enamel Full description
jetton, private labor services assistance society in Novgorod, XXV, gold, Russia, 1894, 42 x 21.3 mm, 11.45 g, damaged enamel

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The auction has ended! 10.12.2016 21:35:46
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