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All Auction #20 October 2016 items

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postcard, Latvia, Riga, by artist Z. Vidbergs - Old Riga, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 15x10,5 cm
№ 29325 Ask Question
postcard, Latvia, Riga, by artist Z. Vidbergs - Old Riga, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 15x10,5 cm Full description
postcard, Latvia, Riga, by artist Z. Vidbergs - Old Riga, 20-30ties of 20th cent., 15x10,5 cm

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The auction has ended! 30.10.2016 21:00:00
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Figurine, Fraget, silver plated, Russia, Congress Poland, 1896-1915, h 14.5 cm
№ 29324 Ask Question
Figurine, Fraget, silver plated, Russia, Congress Poland, 1896-1915, h 14.5 cm Full description
Figurine, Fraget, silver plated, Russia, Congress Poland, 1896-1915, h 14.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 29.10.2016 21:51:24
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badge, University Rhombus, LM MZVT, Medical High school graduation, silver, Latvia, USSR, 47.8 x 27 mm, 11.30 g
№ 29323 Ask Question
badge, University Rhombus, LM MZVT, Medical High school graduation, silver, Latvia, USSR, 47.8 x 27 mm, 11.30 g Full description
badge, University Rhombus, LM MZVT, Medical High school graduation, silver, Latvia, USSR, 47.8 x 27 mm, 11.30 g

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The auction has ended! 29.10.2016 21:22:01
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set, set of 6 fruit knives, B. Buch, Warszawa, silver plated, Russia, Congress Poland, 1882-1893, 15.8 cm
№ 29322 Ask Question
set, set of 6 fruit knives, B. Buch, Warszawa, silver plated, Russia, Congress Poland, 1882-1893, 15.8 cm Full description
set, set of 6 fruit knives, B. Buch, Warszawa, silver plated, Russia, Congress Poland, 1882-1893, 15.8 cm

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The auction has ended! 29.10.2016 21:03:12
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figurine, a Fish, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, top grade
№ 29320 Ask Question
figurine, a Fish, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, top grade Full description
figurine, a Fish, porcelain, USSR, LFZ - Lomonosov porcelain factory, top grade

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The auction has ended! 29.10.2016 21:20:06
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figurine, Bears at Play, Germany, Meissen, the 20-30ties of 20th cent., 18.5 cm
№ 29319 Ask Question
figurine, Bears at Play, Germany, Meissen, the 20-30ties of 20th cent., 18.5 cm Full description
figurine, Bears at Play, Germany, Meissen, the 20-30ties of 20th cent., 18.5 cm

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The auction has ended! 30.10.2016 21:00:00
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figurine, Boy with a Pumpkin, ceramics, Lithuania, USSR, Kaunas industrial complex "Daile", the 60ies of 20th cent., 14 cm
№ 29318 Ask Question
figurine, Boy with a Pumpkin, ceramics, Lithuania, USSR, Kaunas industrial complex "Daile", the 60ies of 20th cent., 14 cm Full description
figurine, Boy with a Pumpkin, ceramics, Lithuania, USSR, Kaunas industrial complex "Daile", the 60ies of 20th cent., 14 cm

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The auction has ended! 29.10.2016 21:00:00
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"Живописная Россiя. Отечество наше въ его земельномъ, историческомъ, племенномъ, экономическомъ и бытовомъ значенiи", томъ IV, Царство Польское, часть вторая, edited by П. П. Семенов, 1896, изданiе т-ва  М.О. Вольф, St.Petersburg - Moscow, 244+2 pages, missing pages 131-134, torn page 115
№ 29317 Ask Question
"Живописная Россiя. Отечество наше въ его земельномъ, историческомъ, племенномъ, экономическомъ и бытовомъ значенiи", томъ IV, Царство Польское, часть вторая, edited by П. П. Семенов, 1896, изданiе т-ва М.О. Вольф, St.Petersburg - Moscow, 244+2 pages, missing pages 131-134, torn page 115 Full description
"Живописная Россiя. Отечество наше въ его земельномъ, историческомъ, племенномъ, экономическомъ и бытовомъ значенiи", томъ IV, Царство Польское, часть вторая, edited by П. П. Семенов, 1896, изданiе т-ва М.О. Вольф, St.Petersburg - Moscow, 244+2 pages, missing pages 131-134, torn page 115

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The auction has ended! 30.10.2016 21:00:00
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case, silver, metall, 830 standart, gilding, cloisonne enamel, the 19th cent., (total) 75.60 g, Europe, 6.3 x 4.7 x 2.7 cm
№ 29316 Ask Question
case, silver, metall, 830 standart, gilding, cloisonne enamel, the 19th cent., (total) 75.60 g, Europe, 6.3 x 4.7 x 2.7 cm Full description
case, silver, metall, 830 standart, gilding, cloisonne enamel, the 19th cent., (total) 75.60 g, Europe, 6.3 x 4.7 x 2.7 cm

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The auction has ended! 29.10.2016 21:00:00
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"Живописная Россiя. Отечество наше въ его земельномъ, историческомъ, племенномъ, экономическомъ и бытовомъ значенiи", томъ V, Малороссiя и Новороссiя, часть вторая, Бессарабская, Херсонская, Екатеринославская и Таврическая губернiи, edited by П. П. Семенов, 1898, изданiе т-ва  М.О. Вольф, St.Petersburg - Moscow, 298+III pages, missing pages 131-134
№ 29315 Ask Question
"Живописная Россiя. Отечество наше въ его земельномъ, историческомъ, племенномъ, экономическомъ и бытовомъ значенiи", томъ V, Малороссiя и Новороссiя, часть вторая, Бессарабская, Херсонская, Екатеринославская и Таврическая губернiи, edited by П. П. Семенов, 1898, изданiе т-ва М.О. Вольф, St.Petersburg - Moscow, 298+III pages, missing pages 131-134 Full description
"Живописная Россiя. Отечество наше въ его земельномъ, историческомъ, племенномъ, экономическомъ и бытовомъ значенiи", томъ V, Малороссiя и Новороссiя, часть вторая, Бессарабская, Херсонская, Екатеринославская и Таврическая губернiи, edited by П. П. Семенов, 1898, изданiе т-ва М.О. Вольф, St.Petersburg - Moscow, 298+III pages, missing pages 131-134

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The auction has ended! 29.10.2016 21:19:35
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pendant watch, "Chaika", USSR, the 70-ties of the 20th cent., gold, 583 standart, (total) 15.60 g., Ø 3.4 cm, (chain) 69 cm, 13 mm, working well
№ 29314 Ask Question
pendant watch, "Chaika", USSR, the 70-ties of the 20th cent., gold, 583 standart, (total) 15.60 g., Ø 3.4 cm, (chain) 69 cm, 13 mm, working well Full description
pendant watch, "Chaika", USSR, the 70-ties of the 20th cent., gold, 583 standart, (total) 15.60 g., Ø 3.4 cm, (chain) 69 cm, 13 mm, working well

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The auction has ended! 30.10.2016 21:00:00
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Municipal school sign, Russia, Ø 3.3 - 3.7 cm
№ 29312 Ask Question
Municipal school sign, Russia, Ø 3.3 - 3.7 cm Full description
Municipal school sign, Russia, Ø 3.3 - 3.7 cm

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The auction has ended! 29.10.2016 21:00:00
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