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All Auction #17 March 2016 items

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"Нашествiе Наполеона, Отечественная война 1812 г.", альбомъ репродукцiй въ краскахъ по картинамъ извѣстныхъ художниковъ съ пояснительнымъ текстомъ, edited by И. Н. Божерянов, 1911, С. М. Прокудинъ-Горский и К. П. Лаурсонъ, St. Petersburg, 41 илл. + 10 pages, stamps
№ 23220 Ask Question
"Нашествiе Наполеона, Отечественная война 1812 г.", альбомъ репродукцiй въ краскахъ по картинамъ извѣстныхъ художниковъ съ пояснительнымъ текстомъ, edited by И. Н. Божерянов, 1911, С. М. Прокудинъ-Горский и К. П. Лаурсонъ, St. Petersburg, 41 илл. + 10 pages, stamps Full description
"Нашествiе Наполеона, Отечественная война 1812 г.", альбомъ репродукцiй въ краскахъ по картинамъ извѣстныхъ художниковъ съ пояснительнымъ текстомъ, edited by И. Н. Божерянов, 1911, С. М. Прокудинъ-Горский и К. П. Лаурсонъ, St. Petersburg, 41 илл. + 10 pages, stamps

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"Товарищество производства фарфоровыхъ и фаянсовыхъ издѣлiй М. С. Кузнецова", 190?, Moscow, правление товарищества М. С. Кузнецова, 24+10 pages
№ 21904 Ask Question
"Товарищество производства фарфоровыхъ и фаянсовыхъ издѣлiй М. С. Кузнецова", 190?, Moscow, правление товарищества М. С. Кузнецова, 24+10 pages Full description
"Товарищество производства фарфоровыхъ и фаянсовыхъ издѣлiй М. С. Кузнецова", 190?, Moscow, правление товарищества М. С. Кузнецова, 24+10 pages

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set of awards with the order of Lenin to the Minister of education in 1940, Leinsh  Paulis Janovitch. The order of Lenin №259288 in gold and platinum, 2 orders of the red banner in silver №40652 and №129298(enamel chip), Latvia, USSR, 40ies of 20 cent., Academician (since 1946) and the first President (from 1946 to 1951) Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR
№ 19305 Ask Question
set of awards with the order of Lenin to the Minister of education in 1940, Leinsh Paulis Janovitch. The order of Lenin №259288 in gold and platinum, 2 orders of the red banner in silver №40652 and №129298(enamel chip), Latvia, USSR, 40ies of 20 cent., Academician (since 1946) and the first President (from 1946 to 1951) Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR Full description
set of awards with the order of Lenin to the Minister of education in 1940, Leinsh Paulis Janovitch. The order of Lenin №259288 in gold and platinum, 2 orders of the red banner in silver №40652 and №129298(enamel chip), Latvia, USSR, 40ies of 20 cent., Academician (since 1946) and the first President (from 1946 to 1951) Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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"Meißner Porzellan, Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart", Oto Walcha, 1973, Dresden, Verlag der Kunst Dresden, 516 pages, dust-cover
№ 25057 Ask Question
"Meißner Porzellan, Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart", Oto Walcha, 1973, Dresden, Verlag der Kunst Dresden, 516 pages, dust-cover Full description
"Meißner Porzellan, Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart", Oto Walcha, 1973, Dresden, Verlag der Kunst Dresden, 516 pages, dust-cover

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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icon lamp's inlay, glass, Russia, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, Ø (internal) 4.6 cm, Ø (external) 8.6 cm
№ 25056 Ask Question
icon lamp's inlay, glass, Russia, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, Ø (internal) 4.6 cm, Ø (external) 8.6 cm Full description
icon lamp's inlay, glass, Russia, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, Ø (internal) 4.6 cm, Ø (external) 8.6 cm

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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icon lamp, "Warszawa", Fraget, silver plated, Russian empire, Poland, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, h = 57 см, Ø (inner) 7.9 cm
№ 25055 Ask Question
icon lamp, "Warszawa", Fraget, silver plated, Russian empire, Poland, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, h = 57 см, Ø (inner) 7.9 cm Full description
icon lamp, "Warszawa", Fraget, silver plated, Russian empire, Poland, the border of the 19th and the 20th centuries, h = 57 см, Ø (inner) 7.9 cm

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"Zinātne tēvzemei", divdesmit gados (1918-1938), edited by L. Adamovičs, 1938, Latvijas Universitāte, Riga, XII+412 pages
№ 25054 Ask Question
"Zinātne tēvzemei", divdesmit gados (1918-1938), edited by L. Adamovičs, 1938, Latvijas Universitāte, Riga, XII+412 pages Full description
"Zinātne tēvzemei", divdesmit gados (1918-1938), edited by L. Adamovičs, 1938, Latvijas Universitāte, Riga, XII+412 pages

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Edgars Andersons, "Latvijas bruņotie spēki un to priekšvēsture", (Armed forces of Latvia and their historical background), 1983, Daugavas Vanagu Centrālās Valdes izdevums, Daugavas Vanagu apgāds, Toronto, 832 pages, stamps
№ 25053 Ask Question
Edgars Andersons, "Latvijas bruņotie spēki un to priekšvēsture", (Armed forces of Latvia and their historical background), 1983, Daugavas Vanagu Centrālās Valdes izdevums, Daugavas Vanagu apgāds, Toronto, 832 pages, stamps Full description
Edgars Andersons, "Latvijas bruņotie spēki un to priekšvēsture", (Armed forces of Latvia and their historical background), 1983, Daugavas Vanagu Centrālās Valdes izdevums, Daugavas Vanagu apgāds, Toronto, 832 pages, stamps

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"Janis Gailis, Ein Lettischer landschaftsmaler, mit einer Einführung von Janis Silins (24 ein-und mehrfarbige Reproduktionen) / Janis Gailis, a Latvian landscape painter (with an introduction by Janis Silins)", 1948, Stuttgart, Druckerei W. Kohlhammer, 18+22 pages, damaged binding, 24 colored illustrations in an edition
№ 25052 Ask Question
"Janis Gailis, Ein Lettischer landschaftsmaler, mit einer Einführung von Janis Silins (24 ein-und mehrfarbige Reproduktionen) / Janis Gailis, a Latvian landscape painter (with an introduction by Janis Silins)", 1948, Stuttgart, Druckerei W. Kohlhammer, 18+22 pages, damaged binding, 24 colored illustrations in an edition Full description
"Janis Gailis, Ein Lettischer landschaftsmaler, mit einer Einführung von Janis Silins (24 ein-und mehrfarbige Reproduktionen) / Janis Gailis, a Latvian landscape painter (with an introduction by Janis Silins)", 1948, Stuttgart, Druckerei W. Kohlhammer, 18+22 pages, damaged binding, 24 colored illustrations in an edition

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photography, Red Latvian Riflemen, 30.2 x 39.4 cm
№ 25051 Ask Question
photography, Red Latvian Riflemen, 30.2 x 39.4 cm Full description
photography, Red Latvian Riflemen, 30.2 x 39.4 cm

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set of awards: the Order of the Red Banner Nº 189527 (duplicate), act (for the issue of the duplicate of the Order of the Red Banner, 2 orders of the Patriotic War (Nº 105598, 2nd class; Nº 1051141, 1st class, anniversary awarding), Badge of Honour Nº 140588 (flat exemplar, ribbon missing), the Order of the Red Star Nº 177012, An Award Certificate, 3 copie of the Award sheet, Identity card of the reserve officer of the Armed Forces of USSR, 1st class, 2nd class, USSR, 1945-1946, 1985, 2nd class Order of the Patriotic War - enamel missing (7 o'clock), the Order of the Red Star - enamel chips (7, 10, 12 o'clock)
№ 25050 Ask Question
set of awards: the Order of the Red Banner Nº 189527 (duplicate), act (for the issue of the duplicate of the Order of the Red Banner, 2 orders of the Patriotic War (Nº 105598, 2nd class; Nº 1051141, 1st class, anniversary awarding), Badge of Honour Nº 140588 (flat exemplar, ribbon missing), the Order of the Red Star Nº 177012, An Award Certificate, 3 copie of the Award sheet, Identity card of the reserve officer of the Armed Forces of USSR, 1st class, 2nd class, USSR, 1945-1946, 1985, 2nd class Order of the Patriotic War - enamel missing (7 o'clock), the Order of the Red Star - enamel chips (7, 10, 12 o'clock) Full description
set of awards: the Order of the Red Banner Nº 189527 (duplicate), act (for the issue of the duplicate of the Order of the Red Banner, 2 orders of the Patriotic War (Nº 105598, 2nd class; Nº 1051141, 1st class, anniversary awarding), Badge of Honour Nº 140588 (flat exemplar, ribbon missing), the Order of the Red Star Nº 177012, An Award Certificate, 3 copie of the Award sheet, Identity card of the reserve officer of the Armed Forces of USSR, 1st class, 2nd class, USSR, 1945-1946, 1985, 2nd class Order of the Patriotic War - enamel missing (7 o'clock), the Order of the Red Star - enamel chips (7, 10, 12 o'clock)

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a pair of candlesticks, folding, "I.KUZNITSOV" mark, silver plated, Russia, the 2nd half of the 19th cent., h = 46.5 cm
№ 25047 Ask Question
a pair of candlesticks, folding, "I.KUZNITSOV" mark, silver plated, Russia, the 2nd half of the 19th cent., h = 46.5 cm Full description
a pair of candlesticks, folding, "I.KUZNITSOV" mark, silver plated, Russia, the 2nd half of the 19th cent., h = 46.5 cm

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