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All Auction #17 March 2016 items

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table medals catalog, "Töid ajaloo alalt 3. Studia numismatica II", 2001, Tallinn, Eesti Ajaloomuuseum
№ 23142 Ask Question
table medals catalog, "Töid ajaloo alalt 3. Studia numismatica II", 2001, Tallinn, Eesti Ajaloomuuseum Full description
table medals catalog, "Töid ajaloo alalt 3. Studia numismatica II", 2001, Tallinn, Eesti Ajaloomuuseum

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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jetton catalog, "Töid ajaloo alalt 6. Varia historica I", 2006, Tallinn, Eesti Ajaloomuuseum
№ 23141 Ask Question
jetton catalog, "Töid ajaloo alalt 6. Varia historica I", 2006, Tallinn, Eesti Ajaloomuuseum Full description
jetton catalog, "Töid ajaloo alalt 6. Varia historica I", 2006, Tallinn, Eesti Ajaloomuuseum

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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estonian coin catalog, "Eesti Vabariigi mündid ja rahareformi medalid", Kaupo Laan, 2012
№ 23140 Ask Question
estonian coin catalog, "Eesti Vabariigi mündid ja rahareformi medalid", Kaupo Laan, 2012 Full description
estonian coin catalog, "Eesti Vabariigi mündid ja rahareformi medalid", Kaupo Laan, 2012

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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banner strap, BBUB 60th anniversary, 1872-1932, Latvia, 1932, 53.3 x 32.4 mm, 17.40 g
№ 23139 Ask Question
banner strap, BBUB 60th anniversary, 1872-1932, Latvia, 1932, 53.3 x 32.4 mm, 17.40 g Full description
banner strap, BBUB 60th anniversary, 1872-1932, Latvia, 1932, 53.3 x 32.4 mm, 17.40 g

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The auction has ended! 05.03.2016 21:00:00
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saltcellar, silver, 84 standard, 19.6 g, Ø = 3.5 cm, 1896-1907, Moscow, Russia
№ 23138 Ask Question
saltcellar, silver, 84 standard, 19.6 g, Ø = 3.5 cm, 1896-1907, Moscow, Russia Full description
saltcellar, silver, 84 standard, 19.6 g, Ø = 3.5 cm, 1896-1907, Moscow, Russia

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saltcellar, silver, 875 standard, 10.95 g, Ø = 3.2 cm, h = 2.1 cm, by Joseph Kopf, the 20ties of 20th cent., Estonia
№ 23137 Ask Question
saltcellar, silver, 875 standard, 10.95 g, Ø = 3.2 cm, h = 2.1 cm, by Joseph Kopf, the 20ties of 20th cent., Estonia Full description
saltcellar, silver, 875 standard, 10.95 g, Ø = 3.2 cm, h = 2.1 cm, by Joseph Kopf, the 20ties of 20th cent., Estonia

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set, International Red Aid (MOPR) member's badge with certificate № 7782, issued to Budashin G. D., USSR, 1941, 25.7 x 27 mm, 4.35 g
№ 23136 Ask Question
set, International Red Aid (MOPR) member's badge with certificate № 7782, issued to Budashin G. D., USSR, 1941, 25.7 x 27 mm, 4.35 g Full description
set, International Red Aid (MOPR) member's badge with certificate № 7782, issued to Budashin G. D., USSR, 1941, 25.7 x 27 mm, 4.35 g

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badge, Tallinn Law School, silver, USSR, Estonia, 1951, 32.5 x 15.2 mm, 3.15 g
№ 23135 Ask Question
badge, Tallinn Law School, silver, USSR, Estonia, 1951, 32.5 x 15.2 mm, 3.15 g Full description
badge, Tallinn Law School, silver, USSR, Estonia, 1951, 32.5 x 15.2 mm, 3.15 g

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Элизе Реклю, "Земля. Описанiе жизни земного шара", том I, Земля въ мiровомъ пространствѣ, переводъ с французскаго подъ редакцiей и съ дополненiями Н. К. Лебедева, 1914, типографiя т-ва И. Д. Сытина, Moscow, 124+120+114+1+144+80+116+127+80+112+88+100+1 pages
№ 23134 Ask Question
Элизе Реклю, "Земля. Описанiе жизни земного шара", том I, Земля въ мiровомъ пространствѣ, переводъ с французскаго подъ редакцiей и съ дополненiями Н. К. Лебедева, 1914, типографiя т-ва И. Д. Сытина, Moscow, 124+120+114+1+144+80+116+127+80+112+88+100+1 pages Full description
Элизе Реклю, "Земля. Описанiе жизни земного шара", том I, Земля въ мiровомъ пространствѣ, переводъ с французскаго подъ редакцiей и съ дополненiями Н. К. Лебедева, 1914, типографiя т-ва И. Д. Сытина, Moscow, 124+120+114+1+144+80+116+127+80+112+88+100+1 pages

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badge, The All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, USSR, 1930-1940, 30.5 x 21 mm, 6.70 g
№ 23133 Ask Question
badge, The All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, USSR, 1930-1940, 30.5 x 21 mm, 6.70 g Full description
badge, The All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, USSR, 1930-1940, 30.5 x 21 mm, 6.70 g

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badge, The All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, USSR, 1939, 34.2 x 19.6 mm, 3.25 g
№ 23132 Ask Question
badge, The All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, USSR, 1939, 34.2 x 19.6 mm, 3.25 g Full description
badge, The All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, USSR, 1939, 34.2 x 19.6 mm, 3.25 g

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"Руководство по никелированiю, серебренiю и окрашиванiю", compiled by инж. Д. Ф. Горскiй, 1924, Печатное дело, Sofia, 98+8+1 pages, page 99-100 missing, pages 101-108 fall out of text block
№ 23131 Ask Question
"Руководство по никелированiю, серебренiю и окрашиванiю", compiled by инж. Д. Ф. Горскiй, 1924, Печатное дело, Sofia, 98+8+1 pages, page 99-100 missing, pages 101-108 fall out of text block Full description
"Руководство по никелированiю, серебренiю и окрашиванiю", compiled by инж. Д. Ф. Горскiй, 1924, Печатное дело, Sofia, 98+8+1 pages, page 99-100 missing, pages 101-108 fall out of text block

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