A.S. Pouchkine, "Le Coq d'or", exemplaire № 531 / 775, illustrés par B. Zworykine, 1925, H. Piazza, Paris, 76 pages, half leather binding, gilded edge, illustrations on separate pages, 30 x 23 cm
author: | A.S. Pouchkine |
title: | Le Coq d'or |
title description: | exemplaire № 531 / 775, illustrés par B. Zworykine |
language: | french |
year of impression: | 1925 |
publisher: | H. Piazza |
City: | Paris |
Number of pages: | 76 |
description: | half leather binding |
description: | gilded edge |
description: | illustrations on separate pages |
text block size: | 30 x 23 |
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