проф. Оскар Иегер, "Всеобщая история", том второй, История средних веков, edited by П.Н. Полевой, 1894, Изданie А.Ф. Маркса, St. Petersburg, IV, 623 pages, half leather binding, pages fall out, damaged spine, marks in text in some places, pencil is non-chemical, 23 x 16.5 cm, 22 illustrations on separate sheets
author: | проф. Оскар Иегер |
title: | Всеобщая история |
title description: | том второй, История средних веков |
editor: | П.Н. Полевой |
language: | russian |
year of impression: | 1894 |
publisher: | Изданie А.Ф. Маркса |
City: | St. Petersburg |
Number of pages: | IV, 623 |
description: | half leather binding |
description: | pages fall out |
description: | damaged spine |
description: | marks in text in some places |
description: | pencil is non-chemical |
text block size: | 23 x 16.5 |
additional information: | 22 illustrations on separate sheets |
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