Р. И. Шредер, "Русскiй огородъ, питомникъ и плодовитый садъ", edited by П. И. Каменоградский, 1909, изданiе А.Ф. Деврiена, St. Petersburg, XX+892 pages, half leather binding, with author's portrait, stains, 21.4 x 14.3 cm, damaged pages IX-X, 39-40, 139-140, 182-184, 331-334, 507-508, 531-532, 613-614, 643-648, 661-664, 757-758, 801-802, 805-806
author: | Р. И. Шредер |
title: | Русскiй огородъ, питомникъ и плодовитый садъ |
editor: | П. И. Каменоградский |
language: | russian |
year of impression: | 1909 |
publisher: | изданiе А.Ф. Деврiена |
City: | St. Petersburg |
Number of pages: | XX+892 |
description: | half leather binding |
description: | with author's portrait |
description: | stains |
text block size: | 21.4 x 14.3 |
additional information: | damaged pages IX-X, 39-40, 139-140, 182-184, 331-334, 507-508, 531-532, 613-614, 643-648, 661-664, 757-758, 801-802, 805-806 |
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