"Свод уставов казеннаго управления", часть пятая, уставы счетные кн. IV-XII., 1848, Типография Второго Отделения Собственной Е.И.В. Канцелярии., St. Petersburg, 241+153+118+25+81+206+54+79+65 pages, half leather binding, notes in book, damaged cover, damaged title page, front cover detached from text block, water stains, 25 x 15.9 cm, wrong numeration on page 102
title: | Свод уставов казеннаго управления |
title description: | часть пятая, уставы счетные кн. IV-XII. |
language: | russian |
year of impression: | 1848 |
publisher: | Типография Второго Отделения Собственной Е.И.В. Канцелярии. |
City: | St. Petersburg |
Number of pages: | 241+153+118+25+81+206+54+79+65 |
description: | half leather binding |
description: | notes in book |
description: | damaged cover |
description: | damaged title page |
description: | front cover detached from text block |
description: | water stains |
text block size: | 25 x 15.9 |
additional information: | wrong numeration on page 102 |
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